I think there is a technical issue

As much as we like to make your life as easy as possible, your phone or computer settings sometimes have the last say. And with every little update we do - and believe us, we keep working hard to constantly improve - certain settings might change again that are out of our control.

You can hopefully find some advice to your technical problem here.

Notification for Android users is not working

Double check that notifications are permitted on your device and app settings. You can check this by pressing the app for a long time and clicking into your App Info. Check that our default push notification is set to be allowed.  

500 Server Error

If you are seeing this error, please empty your cookies and/or cache and try again. If this does not work, please contact us.


Can’t connect your Stripe Account ( Cat sitters only )

Sometimes, depending on your internet connection there can be a little hiccup when connecting your Stripe account to your profile.

If this happens:

For Desktop - please clear your cookies and/or cache and try again through your Settings.

For App - please close the app and try again

If the issue persists please contact us.

Cat in a Flat

The Trusted Cat Sitting Community



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